Easy Fluffy Pancake Recipe // Resepi Pankek Gebu Segebu-gebunya!
Monday, October 2, 2017 | 10:09 AM | 0 comments
Guess what, it's 2017 yo!
It's been 2 years since my last post and all of sudden, I got excited to blog last night.
Simply because I wanted to record my culinary journey *this sounds quite professional ehh*
Well, I shall utilize my blog and keep the recipes that I have tried here.
At the very least, whenever I want to bake or cook the meal again someday, I can just open up my blog and search for the recipe. Hewhewhew~

So today I took a day off.
I have 3 days of replacement leave which are going to expire in this month and I decided to extend the weekend to avoid the monday blues.
Anddd, this 26-weeks-5-days pregnant lady is craving for McD's pancake.
I'm still living in the jungle, my workplace, so there is no way I can buy the pancake.
My last sort, I make the pancake on my own.
I have tried few recipes before and non came out like how I wanted them to be.
But this oneeee, is a must kept recipe.
Fluffy and so Mcd like.

3/4 cup of milk
2 tbsp of white vinegar
2 tbsp melted butter
1 each of egg
1 cup of all purpose flour
1 tsp of baking powder
1/2 tsp of baking soda
1/2 tsp salt (if you're using salted butter, you may skip the salt)
2 tbsp of granulated sugar
1 tsp of vanilla essence (optional)

1. Combine milk and white vinegar in a bowl and set aside.
2. In another mixing bowl, combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar.
3. Whisk in egg, vanilla essence and melted butter into the milk with vinegar.
4. Pour the wet ingredients into the mixture of flour and whisk until no more lumps.
5. Heat a large skillet or a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. 
6. Pour 1/4 cupful of batter onto the skillet, and cook until the edges look dry and bubbles appear on the surface. Flip with a spatula, and cook the other side until golden brown.
7. DONE! Serve with maple syrup and butter yummy~

I managed to get 8 pieces of medium-sized pancakes.
And Mr. Husband said he likes these pancakes better than the one I made last week.


3/4 cawan susu (saya guna susu Dutch Lady low fat)
2 sb cuka (saya guna cuka makan)
2 sb mentega yang dicairkan (saya guna buttercup)
1 biji telur
1 cawan tepung serbaguna (saya guna tepung gandum)
1 sk serbuk penaik
1/2 sk soda bikarbonat
1/2 sk garam (letak kalau guna unsalted butter, since saya guna buttercup, saya tak letak)
2 sb gula
1 sk esen vanila

1. Campurkan susu dengan cuka dan biarkan sebentar.
2. Dalam bekas lain, satukan semua bahan kering (tepung, serbuk penaik, soda bikarbonat, garam* dan gula). Saya ayak tepung, serbuk penaik dan soda bikarbonat sekali. Then baru tambah gula.
3. Dalam campuran susu dan cuka tadi, masukkan mentega cair, esen vanila dan telur. Pukul sampai sebati.
4. Tuangkan adunan basah ke dalam campuran bahan kering. Gaul sebati sampai tak ada ketulan. At this point, adunan tu tak terlampau cair. Consistency dia macam adunan cucur. Runny but not too runny. *macam mana nak explain ni hahahahahahah*
5. Panaskan kuali leper yang tak melekat, guna api kecil je. *frying pan la senang cerita*
6. Tuangkan satu senduk adunan ke dalam kuali. Biarkan sampai tepi pancake kering dan ada buih-buih kecil. Terbalikkan dan masak dalam 1 minit sampai kekuningan.
7. SIAP! Boleh dimakan bersama maple syrup dan mentega.

Recipe credits: Allrecipes and Amy Hilmirda

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The Blogette

A 27-years young lady engineer, a wife to MH ♥ and a soon to be mom.

Krabi, Thailand
Seoul, South Korea
Hong Kong
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
London, England
Belfast, Ireland
Marakech, Morocco
Madrid, Spain



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